ZEDA  1.6.18
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__zIntListCellList of integer numbers
 CzCSVCSV manager class
 CzFileStackFile stack
 CzIndexInteger value array class
 CzOptionCommand line option information
 CzRandMTRandom number generator based on Mersenne twister
 CzRRBoolBoolean table - an example of round-robin table
 CzStreamAbstracted stream manipulation class
 CZTKZTK format processor
 CZTKKeyFieldKey field of ZTK format
 CZTKKeyFieldListList of key fields of ZTK format
 CZTKPrpProperties of a class described by a set of tag/key string and call-back functions
 CZTKTagFieldTagged field of ZTK format
 CZTKTagFieldListList of tagged fields of ZTK format