C__zIntList | |
C__zIntListCell | List of integer numbers |
C__zList | |
C__zListCell | |
C__zstream | |
C__zStrList | |
C__zStrListCell | |
C__ZTKKeyFieldList | |
C__ZTKKeyFieldListCell | |
C__ZTKTagFieldList | |
C__ZTKTagFieldListCell | |
C_zBinFile | |
C_zFileStack | |
Clist | |
CzCSV | CSV manager class |
CzFileStack | File stack |
CzIndex | Integer value array class |
CzIndexStruct | |
CzOption | Command line option information |
CzRandMT | Random number generator based on Mersenne twister |
CzRRBool | Boolean table - an example of round-robin table |
CzStream | Abstracted stream manipulation class |
CZTK | ZTK format processor |
CZTKKeyField | Key field of ZTK format |
CZTKKeyFieldList | List of key fields of ZTK format |
CZTKPrp | Properties of a class described by a set of tag/key string and call-back functions |
CZTKTagField | Tagged field of ZTK format |
CZTKTagFieldList | List of tagged fields of ZTK format |